Course Reviews

The course consists of a full training and it is well structured: teaching practise is an Essentials component and it is backed by theroretical seminars and written assignments. The latter give trainees a chance to reflex on teaching, learners, lesson structure and themselves as teachers. I found the course a really good start for my teaching career and I am glad I had the oportunity to take it.
Letizia Garlatti, October 2018

The course was great, and the tutors were always there to help me. I could certainly recommend it to other people who want to work as Engslish teachers.
Jose Boix Canto, October 2018

CELTA has helped me to see teaching in a whole new light. It has challenged me to think deeper and more analitically about my teaching approach and methods. The course has pushed me to become a better teacher.
Daniel Thompson, August 2018

This course was one of the most interesting and challenging experiences of my life.
Maja Anjeleska, August 2018

„Taking the CELTA course at Akcent was more than just an academic experience. Throughout the four weeks I forged friendships, enjoyed the cafe food and gained valuable practical experience. This supportive and welcoming environment allowed me to get the most out of the course“.
Alex Suchy, Australia, March 2018

My money I invested into my professional development choosing AKCENT school has turned out to be WORTH IT!!! Thanks to wonderful tutors.
Aliya, November 2017

Very demanding and challenging experience, but hugelly beneficial and that not only on proffessional level, but also on the personal one. I believe that development in these two areas goes hand in hand or at least they did with me.
Kateřina, pt September - November 2017

I learnt a lot during this course. The are amazing.
Alessandra, June 2017

This was much more difficult than I expected, but for different reasons than one might think. It wasn´t so much academically demanding as it was mentally, emotionally and physically demanding. Overall, I feel that i learned a lot, not only about teaching, but also about myself, as this CELTA training course served as a test of my strenght of character.
Lavinia, March 2017